I moved on to “Lost“ Painted for the souls lost to murder and abuse during the Covid 19 pandemic. 12 women 1 man and 2 children were murdered in the first two weeks. The government unprepared and negligent in their lack of forethought and planning.

I continue the theme of Drowning and Not Drowning in response to the feeling of helplessness in the world today. Symbolic of the metal state of many of our citizens. My response to the lack of good governance and the uncaring attitude of our government to those that are dying daily.
“Unfathomable – impossible to measure the extent of” – sums up the feeling of helplessness, in limbo between living and not living. Painted from a superb photograph by Helena Kalis a professional photographer in the Bahamas. She took this shot and it touched an emotion within me that I needed to express.
I painted it with passion and feeling in a semi realistic way, however all of my new paintings are slightly obscured by “altered glass. “ this distorts the painting to make the, look underwater or in the rain.
The glass is a visual barrier, obscuring reality, providing a safely net. Softening reality.

Unfathomable – Not Drowning? – Acrylic on board – with altered glass – 81cm x 127cm
£2895.00 – Sold
This painting was selected and hung in the Royal West of England Gallery in Bristol.