I love working in sketchbooks, even more so since the lockdown that began on the 23rd March 2020. I started a series of “Stay at Home “ sketchbooks documenting my restricted daily walk along our back lane.
I was one of the lucky ones as I live in a beautiful part of Devon, my walk was a daily treat. Even more so when I became infatuated with the hedgerows.
What was also special about these sketchbooks is that I allowed myself to document my feelings, my mood, on the reverse pages of my paintings. A little guarded of my thoughts and words, I felt it a safe place to express myself. It’s been a comfort and a day by day documentation of the Covid19 period.

What’s the fascination with sketchbooks?
Its the raw interpretation of the scene, often not realistic just the best bits, the fantasy, and an interpretation of the mood. People often say it’s so much nicer than a photograph album and I totally agree.