Mining Legacy 4

Drakewalls, this powerhouse, the stability

the core that held the engine, that kept it

rigid and strong and in place.

Mining Legacy 3

Emerging from the moonlit mist Wheal Betsy

stands tall on the horizon full of importance.

What is a Wheal house?

We see these riuns, of industry long past and

pass by without really understanding what was their purpose?

Mining Legacy 2

Wheal Betsy – The Frendship Mine, sat alone

on the edge of Dartmoor, A beacon, a vision

so dramatic on the horizon.

Mining Legacy 1

The power of the Wheal house crumbling away, slowly dissapearing and merging with ivy and wild vegetation creeping over the granite, bricks and rocks.

This painting was inspired by a visit to Drakewalls shaft, this Wheal house is well hidden even though it has a tall chimney.