New year new ideas….

I have rekindled my interest in Watercolour and I am enjoying painting in this medium again. I can’t thank my friend Jane for introducing me to two new artists that are impresarios in the field of watercolour.
- Blanche Odin : the beutiful french floral painter, what delicacy and expertise. Her skill in making roses look lifelike and yet dreamy, they are to die for.
- Wimslow Homer : the incredibly skilful American artist that paints with such fluid drawing, great figures, fabulous colours and incredible narrative. I look at his colour and know immediately what he uses and love the darks.
With these two artists as inspiration I have bought a ton of Jacksons handmade watercolour paper and am raring to go. Intitally I will be going back to my passion of painting Dartmoor, lets see where this new journey takes me.